Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas tree in snow made of toilet paper

Snow white Christmas Tree

Toilet paper can be used in different occasions. I use toilet paper to make a Christmas tree. It's easy and cheap and you can do it anytime.  The toilet paper is very soft and the color itself blends in very well.  Hope you enjoy it!

  1) Get a construction paper and roll a cone

2) Get 20 rectangle sheets of toilet paper and then keep folding it until it looks like one sheets of paper.

3) Cut into half and the continue to cut (total of 4)

4) Cut about half inch slit all the way to the end

5) Glue the tip of the cone and glue the toilet paper to the tip of the cone.

 6) Keep rotating the cone with the toilet paper and at the end just glue to the bottom of the cone. (you can always put glue while you rotating, make sure put sticky glue on the cone)

7) Use a pipe cleaner to make a star

8)Put the star on top of the tree